Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year begins February 1st, 2025.
For PK students: You must have either an IEP or a signed contract for your child in order to register for preschool. If you want to be contacted about placement at the preschool, please complete the interest form for the corresponding school year, below:
- 2024-2025 Preschool Interest Form
- 2025-2026 Preschool Interest Form
- 2026-2027 Preschool Interest Form
Click here for the slides from our Kickoff to Kindergarten presentation.
Update: Click here to view the recorded presentation of Kickoff to Kindergarten.
A note about Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
The Sudbury Public School District does not release personal data of students, including immigration status, to third parties.
Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) and the Massachusetts Student Records Regulations, schools are prohibited from giving, either orally or in writing, a student's personally identifiable information (PII) contained in education records to third parties, including ICE agents, without the specific, informed written consent of a parent/guardian, or absent a specific exception such as a medical emergency.
Personally Identifiable Information (PII) includes but is not limited to: student name, the names of a student's parents or family members, addresses, social security number, biometric records, date of birth, place of birth, and mother's maiden name. Any information that, alone or in combination, is linked or linkable to a specific student that would allow a reasonable person in the school community to identify the student with reasonable certainty, also constitutes PII.
The district will neither confirm nor deny the enrollment of any student to a third party without explicit permission from a parent or guardian.
Office Hours
40 Fairbank Road, Second Floor
Monday through Friday
8:30am - 3:30pm
Special Evening Hours:
- Monday, February 24th, 4pm-6pm
- Tuesday, March 11th, 4pm-6pm
Student Registration
Please use the following links to register your child(ren) in the Sudbury Public Schools. You will need to complete Part One & Part Two.
Part Two items must be dropped off in person at the Student Services Office, 40 Fairbank Road, Sudbury, MA 01776. Please come inside with your completed registration to meet with a staff member. Your registration is not complete until we have all required items.
It is the district’s policy to provide parents with information and materials in a manner in which they understand. If you require translated materials or interpreter services, please contact your school principal.
Политика округа заключается в предоставлении родителям информации и материалов в понятной для них форме. Если вам требуются переводные материалы или услуги переводчика, обратитесь к директору школы.
É uma norma do distrito prover aos pais informações e materiais de forma com que eles entendam. Se você precisa de materiais traduzidos ou serviços de intérprete, por favor entre em contato com o diretor da sua escola.
La política del distrito es proporcionar a los padres información y materiales de una manera que entiendan. Si necesita materiales traducidos o servicios de interpretación, póngase en contacto con el director de su escuela.
부모에게 그들이 이해하는 방식으로 정보와 자료를 제공하는 것은 교육구의 정책입니다. 번역된 자료 나 통역사 서비스가 필요한 경우 학교 교장에게 문의하십시오.
Contact Information
Shira Gaudet
Administrative Assistant for Student Services
Department Contacts
(978) 639-3202